Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Today in the life of me...

I stayed the same on the scale, which is certianly preferable to going up! I haven't had a chance to exercise yet today due to a busy schedule, but I'll be on that treadmill after I'm done here.

Blogging and knowing people are reading really has helped me stay motivated. I feel like I'm being held accountable by all 3 of the people that read this blog daily! ;0) All kidding aside, I'm thankful for those who read on a regular basis. It gives me a reason to keep coming back here and blog, even though my content hasn't been overly interesting as of late. I'm ready to start posting more about low-carb articles of interest again, as I used to. So be looking for more posts about the lastest products I've tried or the latest research I've read about.

I'm also happy to announce that my new web site, should be up and running soon. All you will get right now is an "under construction" page, but I hope to have it up and finished by the middle of next week. As you will see by the not-yet-working links on the first page, there will be success stories, product reviews, recipes I've created, my personal photos and story from the first time around, tips and hints, etc. I have a lot planned for this site so please visit often and give me your feedback! I'd love to know what you think and what features you'd like to see.

Ok.. time to get on the treadmill.

1 comment:

Jimmy Moore said...

You stick with it, girl! Make me proud, but, more importantly, make YOURSELF proud! :D GO GET 'EM!