Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Dr. Vernon Starting Online Eductation Presentations

Anyone who knows Dr. Mary Vernon knows she is dedicated to teaching her patients the techniques for managing their own health in regards to blood sugar issues. She's a great advocate for the low-carb lifestyle and has proven time and again that cutting out sugar and refined junk carbs can improve your health.

As someone who voted for Dr. Vernon in hopes she will be given the "Diabetes Educator Of The Year" award, I believe she has a lot of offer the medical community as well as her patients.(BTW, if you haven't voted for Dr. Vernon, please do so soon! Voting end Feb. 15th!) She has fought to bring low-carb to the forefront of the battle against diabetes and other insulin related disease. This is why I'm very excited about her latest venture, which are online presentations, to educate others about blood sugar and insulin related issues. To quote her blog:

Because of my interest in educating patients, I am beginning a series of Internet-based educational presentations. These will be limited to small groups of about 10 participants at a time. You’ll log in to a web site and call in to a conference call line-so you can see the information I present on your computer screen, hear me discuss the information and be part of the question and answer session.

Doesn't that sound fantastic? She also plans on providing educational programs for physicians. Awesome! If you'd like to hear more about signing up for these presentations, be sure to visit her blog post here and get all the details! But do it quickly. I have a feeling these limited presentations will fill up fast!

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