Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Science Daily

I've gotten quite a few interesting articles from the Science Daily website. I was looking at this article today titled Low-Carb Diets Reduce Inflammation And Blood Saturated Fat In Metabolic Syndrome. As I looked around I noticed several other interesting links that would be of interest to low-carbers. Here are those that caught my eye:

Low-carb Diet Better Than Low-fat Diet At Improving Metabolic Syndrome

20-year Study Finds No Association Between Low-carb Diets And Risk Of Coronary Heart Disease

Moderate-fat Diet Is Kinder To Heart Than Low-fat Diet, Study Shows

Very Low-carbohydrate Diets Work For Men And Upper Body Fat

So there are a few links for you to pursue and enjoy. I'm going to look around more when I have the time. Right now I'm nursing a cold and feel less than great. I'm taking my stuffy head and going back to bed for a bit.


OhYeahBabe said...

Thank you for this great information! Low fat? I don't think so!

Kimorexia Blog

Resolve not to get ripped off by scams like Kimkins!

Amy Dungan said...

Hi OYB! Yeah... doesn't exactly make you wanna run out and stock the pantry with fat-free stuff. I LOVE low-carb living! :-)