Monday, January 29, 2007

Starting a new Boot Camp today...

(Kimkins reference deleted by Sparky's Girl)

I had a tough weekend. We spent Sat. helping my Grandmother move here from Oklahoma. We unloaded the truck, helped unpack,etc. By the time dinner rolled around I was starving and didn't have any acceptable foods on hand. I had caved into some pizza, but only enough to keep me from eating the counter tops. Then yesterday we had lunch at the house of some friends, so I didn't have a lot of control over the menu. I did the best I could, but it wasn't ideal. So I'm up 2 lbs this morning, but it's nothing lots of water and the treadmill won't take care of.


Weight Master said...

You're right, exercise will offset a lot. Good post. Thanks

Amy Dungan said...

Thanks weight master! I'm enjoying the exercise and it really does make a difference.