Saturday, February 03, 2007

Photos, diets and dentists.. OH MY!

I really enjoyed the time I spent yesterday while working in my photography lessons. I'm learning all about lenses & f-numbers. Very interesting and somewhat complex stuff. I had to read some parts over a few times to make sure I was getting it. The picture to the left I took a couple of days ago. My wonderful husband brought home 2 dozen orange roses for me and I had to take pictures. I was also trying a couple of things that I learned in the first lesson. Over all I'm pretty happy with the pic, although I wish the lighting would have been better. If I'd known then what I learned yesterday I could have adjusted for it.

I stayed the same on the scale today. I did eat a little more than usual yesterday, but it seemed like I was hungrier than normal too. Besides having my shake for breakfast and bar for lunch, I had another bar as a snack and a few almond slivers later in the evening. Dinner was 2 small hamburger patties. I think the almonds and extra bar were more than I should have allowed on BC, but oh well. One time now and then isn't going to kill me, right? It could have been ice cream!!! :0)

I exercised for over 70 minutes yesterday on the treadmill. I burned 320 cals and walked 2 3/4 miles. That's the most I've ever done! I'll try to get in some time on the treadmill today, but Saturdays are harder for me since my kids are home. They always need me for something when I'm busy. You parents know how it is.

I went to the dentist on Thursday for a cleaning and check-up. I also have a couple of teeth that need crowns because of old dental work that is not holding up anymore. Turns out I need a minimum of about $4,000 worth of work done! EEK! Not having dental insurance really stinks right now. I'll just have to have it done a little at a time. My dentist sent me home with a free teeth whitening kit (because I asked for it). I'd love to have a brighter shade of white on my teeth. I wore the trays for about 30 minutes yesterday. It was weird. My gums tingled, and even burned a little in one spot. Afterwards, my teeth ached off and on for most of the night. Is that normal? Or should I stop using them? I'm tempted to try it one more time and see if I get the same results. Anyone had this experience? I'd love to know if the kit worked for you and if you had issues with aching.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

After two rounds of dental surgery, a deep cleaning, and thousands of dollars spent, I'm finally ready to get my teeth whitened - it will be a late Xmas/b-day gift from my Mom. I had insurance to help cover all the other dental work, but they will not cover whitening.

And I still have four cavities that need filling. I know insurance won't cover all four this year, but I hope to get a couple done maybe. What isn't covered will have to wait another year.